
Yes, we are having triplets.

That’s a thing that’s happening in our world. Or will be happening.

Pictured: Babies “A” through “C” I realize they all kind of look the same so you have to trust me and the labeling on this one.

That’s where this site comes into play. The plan is to do pretty regular updates here on their progress. It should act as a pretty neat scrapbook of their early lives without giving Facebook ownership of everything. Fair warning, posts will likely be on the sparse side until they’re actually here. Once you’ve seen one sonogram you’ve seen them all, you know?

Also, I’m not showing the 3D versions on here since those are nightmare fuel.


Here are a few common questions I’ve been on the receiving end of. Not to imply I’m tired of hearing them! I’m always happy to answer, this just gives a (hopefully) decent run down on the goings on.

You’re really having triplets? Yep. Well, not me. Rachel is. I’ve done my part already, now I’m just playing support.

When’s the due date? Technically July 29. But in reality due dates are more of guesses with multiples. We’re hoping we make it to June.

What are they? Three girls.

Got names yet? Mallory Anne, Taylor Marie, and Hannah Renae.

Do multiples run in your family? Not unless you go pretty dang far back on Rachel’s side.

How’s Rachel? Tired and very interested in cake.

Ok, that’s all I can think of for now.