At home

Like a routine, but not quite.

The girls are coming right up on four months, which is less a milestone and more of an in-between for the interesting numbers. When better to dish out another fun-filled update? I feel like I heard that it all goes by so fast and to cherish it or whatever. That has not been my experience. Maybe it’s the lockdown talking, but four months feels like a lifetime.

The good news is we’ve fallen into something that almost looks like a routine. Of course, the options are pretty limited with them right now. You’ve got change them, feed them, and get stared at. I’ve come to realize that individually; they’re pretty lowkey (except for Hannah, sorry bud). Unfortunately, with the volume of babies, it does feel like someone is losing their mind always. Well and, one specific bundle of joy is basically on the edge of coming undone at all times. Otherwise, things are swell!

Baby picture time.

Hannah vibing.
Hannah thinking about her next bottle while her sister freaks out in the background.
They haven’t quite figured out how to pick things up. So, once a pacifier falls, it’s fingers or freak out. Typically they go with option b.
Taylor propped up, so it looks like she’s sitting and getting pumped about being looked at.
Babies in car seats
What it looks like getting ready to go anywhere. Not pictured, me practicing my fake laugh for the randos that feel the burning need to point out that we have our hands full.

Overall it seems like everyone is healthy and doing well. We had some hiccups with little Hannah on weight gain, but she finally got the hang of eating. She’ll be a raging chunk like her sisters in no time.

Right now, it’s a lot of the same with them. The only new features are them smiling more, making less than effective attempts at babbling and staring. I was not prepared for the staring. It’s kind of trippy having three tiny sets of eyes locked on you at all times. Though, I guess considering their day to day is on the repetitive side, we probably seem very interesting. Even though we aren’t these days.

Speaking of being un-interesting.

Yeah, roping you in with a compelling headline there. If you’re wondering how we’re holding up these days, we’re fine, I guess. It’s hard to do anything when your life only happens in quick little bursts, and you’re tethered to the house at all times.

One of the highlights is looking out the window and people watching. We’re on a culdesac, so you wouldn’t think there’s much action. But, for whatever reason, it’s a hot spot for walkers and some annoying neighbors.

Front row seating for the people watching show.

Once the sun comes up, most feeds happen here. It’s nice to sit there and imagine what it’d be like to get outside at your leisure again. We have tried feeding them outside now that it’s getting nicer. Unfortunately, they don’t like how bright it is, and the slightest breeze freaks them out for some reason. It was funny at first, but once a feed gets ruined by it a few times, it gets old.

Anyway, here are a few highlights.

  • Our neighbor to the left of this image is kind of a shit show. One of their go-tos is leaving things. Like leaving their lawn unmowed for months, leaving piles of branches on the sidewalk, or leaving their always unleashed dogs’ turds in my grass. The one enjoyable part of this is that when people round the culdesac, they always ditch the sidewalk for the road at their house—something I also would love to do.
  • There’s this one lady that stops at my mailbox almost every day to adjust her shoes before giving my neighbors house a wide birth. This also involves staring around as if looking for something. I assume my neighbor’s dogs. But, if you’re worried about that, why come down this way?
  • And then there’s this other lady that cuts through my yard to get from the alley to the road. This happens most days, and shocker, with unleashed dogs in tow. I’ve run into her a couple of times while taking out the trash, just cutting through my yard, dogs wandering. The exchange is usually giving her an annoyed look because I’m sick of picking up dog crap, her vaguely saying sorry, and making a half-hearted effort at beckoning her dogs. One time she felt the need to point out that I was barefoot. She hit me with “no shoes?” yeah, no shoes. Who are you? Why are you in my yard?

Man, who would have thought my thirties would be so cool? Blessed times.